Artist Statement

“I prefer to be true to myself, even at the hazard of incurring the ridicule of others, rather than to be false, and to incur my own abhorrence.”

~Frederick Douglass (1818-1895)

I have always been extremely observant, so my artwork represents my life observations.  Some may view it as confrontational, but that doesn’t represent what I’m trying to express.  I appreciate everyone (how we evolve and are constructed) and have a great respect for the potential that we all have regardless of lifestyle, religion, ethnicity, or gender.  Therefore, my art expresses what I see in us.  This is my narrative or my “soldier story” because my artwork always tells a story.

I presently do a lot of portraitures and use oil pastels, acrylic & oil painting, printmaking (linocuts and intaglio), and collaging in my artmaking. I like to mix mediums.

As an avid reader (see my READING LIST), I continually study history and current events and how the two have a symbiotic relationship.  Additionally, I write poetry and wrote my first poem for my father after I was notified that he had passed away on February 23, 2003. I consider my poetry as an extension of my art.

My Inspirations & Influences:

  • Spiritual = Jesus
  • Artistic = Emilio Cruz, Alice Neel, Bob Thompson, Kathe Kollwitz, & Robert Henri
  • Poetic = Maya Angelou
  • Intellectual = Malcolm X, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., & Colin Powell

~ Bill Rembert

2012 Self Portrait (with son and dad)

2012 Self Portrait


We went from the Invisible Man

to just plain obsolete.

Preserving for years

through struggles and amazing feats.

Ralph Ellison said it best ~

We’re not different from the rest.

We’re not a freak of nature,

nor of history.

I can’t understand… the mystery

It puzzles me

What do you actually see?

When we scream out loud

Our way of being proud,

like a Muhammad Ali bout.

The men inside, trying to get out.

You call it brashness

and think its arrogance.

In essence, it’s reminiscent

of a lifelong quest.

Living in a country

where just being invisible

is suppose to be our best.

From three-fifths existence,

read the constitution,

to a one-third presence

in where we should reside.

Fractured, but where are we?

The dichotomy within democracy

It’s really just hypocrisy

I resist just being obsolete!

Now when you look at me,

do you understand what you really see?

Copyrighted by Bill Rembert December 31, 2007